Present by Default


What is Present by Default?
Present by Default in Zoho People is an option that enables organizations to mark users as 'Present' automatically


Why is it useful?
This option will be useful to employees who are not able to mark attendance such as on-site employees, or senior management who do not have the time to check-in and check-out everyday.

You can use this feature to create groups, include specific users, and enter a start and end date to specify the period when employees need to be marked present automatically.

To enable Present by Default,

  1. Navigate to Attendance > Settings > Present by Default.

  1. Click Add Group.

  1. Enter a Group Name.
  2. Select the specific users to be included in the group.
  3. Select the From date under Effective Period.
  4. Select a To date if required.
  5. Enter a Reason for adding this group.
  6. Click Submit.

What happens when a user is added to a Present by Default group?

  • The user does not need to check-in or check-out to mark their attendance.
  • On the applicable days, they will be marked as 'Present' at 12 AM automatically based on their time zone for the duration of their shift. If the user is not tagged to a location, they will be marked based on the organization's time zone..
  • 'Absent' attendance status and absent schedule will not apply to the user.
  • Their absence will be recorded only when they apply for leave.
  • Leave that is applied will override existing automated check-in and check-out entries.

Important points to note:

1. You can create multiple groups to be marked present by default for different users and timelines.

2. You can edit an existing group to add users or modify effective dates.

3. Present by Default can also be applied to past dates.

4. Leave the To Date field under Effective Period  blank to apply the option indefinitely.

5. If Present by Default configuration is deleted, attendance entries for past days will not be removed.

6. Overtime and Regularized entries will also be considered for attendance under Present by Default.


Use case 1:Mark senior management "Present' automatically.

The senior management in an organization may be too busy to mark their attendance daily. They can be marked 'Present' by default, indefinitely, to avoid this repetitive task.

To mark employees in the senior management 'Present' automatically,

  1. Navigate to Attendance > Settings > Present by Default.
  2. Click Add Group.

  1. Enter a meaningful name for the group, in this case, 'Senior Management'.
  2. Select the users you want to include in this group such as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Head of HR etc.
  3. Enter the From date under Effective Period. Leave the To date blank.
  4. Enter the reasons for adding the selected users to this group.
  5. Click Submit.

Usecase 2:Mark project managers on site 'Present' automatically

Project Managers may be on site to ensure on-time project completion. They may not have proper internet access to mark themselves present.They can be marked Present by Default, for the duration of the project.

To mark project managers 'Present' automatically,

  1. Navigate to Attendance > Settings > Present by Default.
  2. Click Add Group.

  1. Enter a meaningful name for the group, in this case, 'XYZ Construction'.
  2. Select the project managers of this project as the users in the group.
  3. Enter the project start date as the From date and completion date as the To date.
  4. Enter the reasons for adding the selected users to this group.
  5. Click Submit.