
DCAA stands for Defense Contract Audit Agency and it reviews the accounting practices and accounting of government contractors, including prime contractors and subcontractors. Under the 'Labour Charging System', the DCAA has set some standards for timekeeping procedures, timesheet preparation, timekeeping policy etc. When it comes to tracking time for a project, it is preferred by even private bodies to look for a DCAA Compliant time tracking tool and this is a mandatory requirement for any US government body that entrusts a client with time tracking for a project.

DCAA Compliance standards and how Zoho People helps to achieve these:

Recording his/her time on a daily basis:

Using Zoho People, one can log work hours manually and also through Timers. A user will be able to log time for all the jobs done, and this time logged can be segregated as Billable and Non-Billable hours too. Time Logs can be added on a daily or weekly or monthly basis.

Recording time on the timesheet:

The time logged by the user using Zoho People can be collated to create timesheets. This can be done either manually or using a scheduler. The timesheet thus created can be submitted for approval.

The correct distribution of time by project numbers, contract number or name, or other identifiers for a particular assignment:

In Zoho People, time can be logged for Jobs that are associated with Projects. These Projects can, in turn, be mapped to Clients. Users can check details like estimated hours, logged hours etc for each of their Jobs.

Procedure to track changes to the timesheet:

Audit history is available for all timesheets. This means, all details like the date of creation of a timesheet, date on which edits are done and the details of the person who edited the timesheet are captured and readily available. Audit history can also be printed if required.


With Zoho People's, 'Reminder Settings' for Timetracker, one can have reminders set daily for timesheets to be submitted for Approvals. The reminders can be made applicable to specific Departments, Roles, Locations and Users too.   


Zoho People offers an in-depth approval module, with multi-level approvals. You can extend approvals to five levels of reporting to and also have more approvers configured with the Project Manager as one level of Approver.