Zoho Inventory

Integrate Zoho Inventory With HSBC

Zoho Inventory has partnered with HSBC to enable you to perform banking functions from within Zoho Inventory. With this integration, you can pay your vendors directly from Zoho Inventory.

Set Up the HSBC Integration

Note: This integration is available only for the organisations in the India edition created under the zoho.in domain.

To set up the HSBC integration in Zoho Inventory:

Set up HSBC Integration

The link will open in a new tab where you can enter your organisation and contact details. The HSBC team will get in touch with you and help you create a new HSBC account (if you don’t have one already), or help you get the required credentials for your existing account.

Field Description
Profile ID The HSBC team would have sent you the Profile ID via email. 
Client ID The HSBC team would have sent you this Client ID via email.
Client Secret The HSBC team would have sent you this Client Secret via email.
HSBC Public Key The HSBC team would have shared this file with you via email and you will have to upload it. This field will only support formats such as pem, crt, txt, doc, and docx.
HSBC Account You can select one of the bank accounts that was created in the Banking module, or add a new bank account and select it.  
Secret PIN Set a secure PIN that you will remember as you will use it to initiate payments in Zoho Inventory.
Configure HSBC Integration

Zoho Inventory and HSBC will be integrated.

Note: This integration is a user-level integration, that means that other admins or users will not be able to initiate payments on your behalf.

Make Payments to Vendors

1. Add Vendor’s Bank Account Details

The first step in making payments towards a vendor is adding the vendor’s bank account details to the contact. To add vendor’s bank account details:

Add Bank Account Details Adding vendor's bank account

2. Initiate Payments

Once you’ve added your vendor’s bank account details, you can initiate payments from Zoho Inventory in three ways:

Pay Bills

You can initiate a payment via HSBC for a bill in Zoho Inventory. To initiate payment:

Pay via HSBC button
Fields Description
Balance Due The total sum of the money due for payment for a particular bill.
Amount Enter the amount you would like to pay. You can make a complete or a partial payment towards the bill.
From Account Select the From Account from the list of HSBC accounts from which you can initiate a payment.
To Account Select the account to which you would like to make the payment.
Transaction Type Select the Transaction Type from the available fund transfer options. The modes of fund transfer available are NEFT and RTGS.
Paying via HSBC

Warning: If you enter the Secret PIN incorrectly multiple times, the HSBC integration will be deactivated. You will have to disable the integration and set up the integration again to initiate payments via HSBC.

Enter Secret PIN

The payment will be initiated from within Zoho Inventory and you will have to authorise the payment from the HSBCnet.

Pay Vendors in Advance

You can make advance payments to vendors directly. To initiate an advance vendor payment:

Making Vendor Advance Payment via HSBC Enter Secret PIN

Warning: If you enter the Secret PIN incorrectly multiple times, the HSBC integration will be deactivated. You will have to disable the integration and set up the integration again to initiate payments via HSBC.

The payment will be initiated and you will have to authorise the payment from the HSBCnet.

3. Authorise Payment in HSBCnet

If you had initiated a NEFT or RTGS payment from within Zoho Inventory, you will have to authorise that payment using File Level Authorisation (FLA). In FLA, you will have to authorise or reject a file which may contain one or multiple payments.

To authorise the payment from HSBCnet:

File Authorisation in HSBCnet Review Files Authorise or Reject file

Once you authorise the file, you’ll see a confirmation screen with the payment status and the details. This payment may be sent for further authorisations based on the authorisation structure that is configured at HSBCnet for the account. Once the payment is made successfully, the corresponding bill’s status in Zoho Inventory will be updated to Paid automatically.

Disable the Integration

If you don’t want your Zoho Inventory account to be connected with HSBC, you can disable the integration.

Note: Disabling the integration will only remove the integration at Zoho Inventory’ end and you can set up the HSBC integration using the same HSBC credentials.

To disable:

HSBC Disable button

Note: If you have any queries regarding the HSBC Bank integration, write to us at hsbc-support@zohofinance.com.