Here's how Zoho Lens is making insurance claims seamless.

Zoho Lens is a comprehensive solution for leveraging augmented reality in any industry. From capturing accurate data through AR-powered inspections to immersive communication with collaborative tools, Lens ensures a seamless and efficient experience for both insurance providers and policyholders.

Improved efficiency for claim adjusters

Zoho Lens replaces onsite visits with remote assistance sessions, allowing adjusters to handle claims by viewing a live video stream. Adjusters can use augmented reality technology to communicate better with the person on the ground and gather more information during the remote inspection, thereby reducing the insurance cycle time.

Augmented Reality Insurance Claims - Zoho Lens      

Faster customer payments

Empowering your claim adjusters with remote assistance software helps them handle claims through video and boosts their efficiency. With adjusters able to complete more claims in less time, your organization will be able to expedite customer payments and improve customer satisfaction.

AR Software in Insurance Claims - Zoho Lens            

Easier audits and better accountability

Periodic audits are necessary to improve processes. Administrators can view session recordings, session analytics, and use the Action Log Viewer to keep track of activities carried out from their organization account. These functions allow organizations to fast track and improve their auditing process and hold the right people accountable.

AR Tool in Insurance Claims - Zoho Lens
AR in Insurance Claims - Zoho Lens

How it works


Get Connected

Claim adjusters can initiate a remote assistance session by sending an invite to their customer through SMS, email, or by sending them the join link.


See what your customer sees

Once the customer joins the session, you will be able to validate the claim through a virtual examination.


Collaborate through text, voice, and AR tools

During the session, the adjuster and the customer will be able to communicate through text and voice chat. The adjuster can draw and pinpoint specific things using the AR tools.

Here are a few of our key features that help you to improve your insurance life cycle.

Live video stream

Claim adjusters can view the live video stream from the site through a smartphone through your favorite browser or our application.

Highlighting on 3D objects

Both the adjuster and the customer can add extra virtual information to the live camera stream and point out key items as you fix issues together in an AR-rich environment.

Text and voice chat

Claim adjusters can communicate in real time with the customer throughout the session using the text and voice chat features.


The adjuster can capture snapshots of the incoming camera stream to document a specific case or to analyze the case further.

Multi-participant session

An adjuster can invite multiple people with different skill sets to handle a claim.

Mobile-to-mobile sessions

Zoho Lens allows both the adjusters and the customers to work on a remote assistance session right from their mobile devices.

Freeze image

Adjusters sometimes require a closer look at the situation on the ground. Zoho Lens allows adjusters to freeze the incoming camera stream to explore, analyze, and discuss technical details in greater depth.


An organization can maintain comprehensive records about every session initiated by its employees for analysis and auditing.

Improve your insurance life cycle with Zoho Lens now

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