Conduct remote virtual inspections from anywhere

Inspections are a vital process in any business to ensure compliance with production and safety standards. Save hours of travel and inspect multiple sites in a day with Zoho Lens, the remote video inspection software.

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remote inspection software remote video inspection software

What is remote
video inspection?

Remote video inspection (RVI) is the process of monitoring machinery operations, accessing facilities, or managing workflows for compliance with industry standards and suggesting control measures in sub-par areas, from any location. With technologies like augmented reality (AR), inspectors can view the site as it is without being physically present and use remote communication tools to analyze the working conditions and gather the necessary data.

How Zoho Lens can be used as a remote video inspection software

remote inspection remote video inspection remote visual inspection

Get live visuals of the site

Zoho Lens, the virtual inspection app, allows your inspectors and officials to connect with an on-site worker and see the site via live video streaming. Using remote control tools, they can freeze the live stream or zoom in to a specific area of the stream with ease.

Highlight issues with AR tools

By harnessing the power of AR, site inspectors can attach digital elements like text, images, or arrows on the live stream to highlight issues or mark certain areas of the site for further analysis.

live inspection virtual inspection software virtual inspection
remote visual inspection software live inspection software virtual site inspection virtual home inspection

Share information on regulatory standards

Zoho Lens, the remote assistance software, empowers inspectors to share contextual information with on-site workers on safety, maintenance, or environment regulations and procedures that need to be undertaken through VoIP, chat, and file-sharing tools.

Document your inspection process

While inspecting multiple sites in a day, it becomes essential to maintain a record for later reference and detailed audit. Using live documentation tools in Zoho Lens, inspectors can jot down their observations, capture snapshots of the site, or even record the remote inspection process.

remote visual inspection equipment virtual inspection app

How does remote video inspection work?

remote site inspection

Start a session.

To conduct a remote inspection, the inspector should start a session from Zoho Lens and invite the site personnel via email, SMS, or by sending the session link.

remote visual inspection rvi

See what the on-site worker sees.

Once they join the session, the site worker can share their physical environment via a live camera stream, allowing the inspector to see what they see.

remote visual testing

Communicate via text, chat, and AR tools.

The inspector can provide visual instructions and communicate seamlessly with the on-site crew using in-session tools such as text, chat, and AR capabilities.

The benefits of remote visual inspection

Remote inspections help streamline business operations and offer a wide range of benefits to individuals, such as:

Enhanced productivity and safety

Virtual inspection allows inspectors to cover more sites in a day right from the comfort of their office, reducing travel time and cost while improving their productivity and safety.

Ensured project continuity

Construction projects or assembly processes need to pass multiple inspections before proceeding further. Delays in the inspection process can affect the project completion time, which causes the project to go over the budget. This hurdle can be skipped easily with live inspections.

Improved customer satisfaction

Remote visual inspection services help businesses maintain their quality and standard of field and maintenance services more effectively, contributing to shorter waiting times and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Explore these key features of Zoho Lens, the remote virtual inspection software

Live camera streaming

Access the device camera of an on-site worker to get live visuals of their environment on your preferred browser and enhance your digital view with Magnify or Freeze tools.

Advanced chat

Communicate with the on-site crew and share legal documents or forms related to compliance or regulations through file transfer via chat.

Management tools

Along with rebranding options, department officials can oversee their remote inspection activities, get custom reports, and implement security measures directly from their dashboard.


Zoho Lens can be integrated with Zoho Desk and Zoho CRM for efficient inspection processes. Departments can also integrate the remote visual inspection tools of Zoho Lens with their native apps using the Mobile SDK.

AR collaboration tools

Place visual markers on the live stream, add notes to them, or even take live measurements of remote objects by harnessing the AR capabilities of Zoho Lens.

Documentation tools

Retrieve crucial information of products used on site with the help of Live text and virtual code reader. Maintain detailed records of the inspection process through session notes, snapshots, and session recording.

Multi-technician support

During a virtual site inspection, inspectors can call on other officials outside their department for reviews and approvals.

Frequently Asked Questions

No-app video inspections are a type of remote inspection process that allows users to conduct or participate in a visual inspection without downloading or installing a separate app. Instead, it directly runs on web-based browsers, where one can schedule an video inspection, send an invite, and allow other participants to join the inspection.

Remote visual inspection (RVI) in maintenance refers to the method of evaluating the physical condition of equipment, structures, or systems without being physically present on site. It makes the inspection of hazardous environments or equipment more safe and accessible while reducing downtime.

While ease of use, cost, and security are no-brainers, you also need to look for remote visual inspection software that offers a holistic package like high-quality visuals, live collaboration and documentation tools, compatibility with existing devices, and customization.

Remote visual inspection is most commonly used in the inspection of challenging environments like inaccessible areas, confined spaces, and high-temperature zones. It can also be used for time-sensitive inspections like examining equipment conditions after an accident or natural disaster, and to ensure regulatory compliance.

Start conducting live inspections today with Zoho Lens!

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