Access a live camera stream

See what your field technician sees, and get a clear understanding of the problem, by instantly connecting to their smartphone or smart glass camera from anywhere.

Join and interact from any device

Grab any computer or mobile device within your reach and start helping your colleagues. Guide them through problems with the versatile digital tool kit included with your technician console.

Support your ideas with spatial cues

Express your ideas, point out problems, or add step-by-step instructions with the help of 2D and 3D annotations.

Freeze the camera stream

What if you spot random anomalies in the middle of your discussion and you want to take a closer look? Zoho Lens allows you to freeze the incoming camera stream for everyone in the session, analyze the finer details, and discuss potential solutions.

Experience Live Text Scan

Most technicians and professionals will first consult product labels, instruction manuals, or warning labels before deducing the cause of a problem. Zoho Lens comes with OCR recognition (the Live Text Scan feature), which lets you use the camera to scan and consider any text on these labels during the session.

Scan any code

Most products have basic details contained within barcodes or QR codes. With Zoho Lens, a technician can quickly scan a code visible on the camera stream and send it to other participants in the session.

Take notes and record sessions

Seamlessly multitask during collaboration by using the Session Notes and Session Recording features. Jot down key points and record live discussions without switching apps or leaving the session.

Manage session files from one place

When technicians are involved in multiple collaborations each day, it can be tedious to keep all the information and notes organized manually. Zoho Lens automatically organizes data by session, so it's easier for technicians to find the file they need quickly.

Here’s how Zoho Lens makes augmented reality collaboration simpler


How it works

Get Connected

Start or schedule a remote assistance session with a technician/customer by sending an invite through email or SMS.

View camera stream

Get access to your technician’s/customer’s smartphone camera once they accept your invite and join the session.

Collaborate via voice, chat, and AR tools

Discuss problems and provide expert advice to a remote technician/customer using voice, chat, and AR tools.

Here’s how Zoho Lens is a game changer in AR remote collaboration


Spend less time explaining

It can be difficult to cover all the details of a problem over chat or call, especially when the problem is complex or unknown. Zoho Lens allows an expert to access and view your camera stream to see the problem and gauge its true extent in real time.


Engage every expert you know

When it comes to complex problems, you may want all the help you can get. Invite your experts all at once to your remote visual assistance session, where they can view your live camera stream, analyze the problem first hand, and have in-depth discussions with you from wherever they are located.


Experience immersive brainstorming sessions

Zoho Lens, the industrial augmented reality software, equips a technician with all of the tools they need to tackle an issue. With the power of AR, annotate and highlight objects on the camera feed to provide quick tips and solutions. Place arrows anywhere on the spatial map of your environment, which will remain in the same position even if you walk around with your device.


Create a unified knowledge base

Forums and discussions help generate inspiration, ideas, and information. With a huge influx of information during every session, documentation is key for future reference. Zoho Lens comes with a well-built infrastructure for recording sessions, taking snapshots, and jotting down session notes that are organized automatically within your account.

Benefits of using Zoho Lens for augmented reality collaboration

  • Go hands-free
  • Eliminate travel time
  • Quickly adapt to last-minute changes
  • Improve knowledge sharing
  • Hold secure discussions

Sign up now and experience augmented reality collaboration for free!

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