What does AR mean in construction?

Augmented reality is a type of technology that allows a user to overlay digital elements like 3D objects or images onto the physical environment via their smartphone or tablet. Civil engineers and construction workers can use augmented reality for constructing buildings with better visualization and safer workflows. Other applications of construction AR include:

  • Design and visualization
  • Construction processes
  • Monitoring and maintenance
  • Training
  • Quality control

How are AR and VR used in construction?

Virtual reality (VR) in construction involves the use of advanced computer graphics and hardware to create and experience 3D, virtual layouts. There are several benefits to using VR in construction, and the future looks promising as this technology advances and becomes more accessible to everyone.

Uses of VR
  • Visualise digital structures
  • Explore and interact in 3D
  • Simulate real-world scenarios in BIMs
  • Train workers remotely
Benefits of VR
  • Safer training environments
  • Effective construction processes
  • Faster collaboration
  • Better planning and decision-making

How is augmented reality used in construction?

Construction companies use augmented reality to significantly boost the accuracy, efficiency, and safety of their building projects. Here's how industrial augmented reality applications come into play at different stages of construction.

Collaborate virtually in design and planning

As one of the augmented reality engineering applications, project managers can form virtual huddles with stakeholders, architects, and engineers to evaluate design blueprints. They can get a bird's eye view of the project right from the start and make informed decisions with minimal errors.

Collaborate virtually in design and planning

Monitor construction processes in real time

With Zoho Lens, construction superintendents who oversee many processes can use AR for construction site monitoring. They can check in virtually, organize augmented reality building maintenance with their crew, and provide onsite support by accessing the crew's smartphone camera.

Monitor construction processes in real time

Conduct remote safety inspections

Along with using augmented reality for constructing buildings, safety officers can conduct a remote inspection to spot and document issues right from their desks. With Zoho Lens, they can substantially reduce travel times and cover more construction projects in a day.

Conduct remote safety inspections

Provide an immersive training experience

AR technology in construction makes training sessions more interactive, engaging, and it also ensures safety. With virtual training sessions, managers can onboard and educate crew members on new safety procedures and equipment operations—no matter where they are.

Provide an immersive training experience

Challenges of virtual reality in construction

As advanced as it may be, the adoption of virtual reality in construction processes can pose certain challenges to the organization and its workforce.

Challenges of virtual reality in construction

Technical limitations

VR requires three major components to function—high-powered systems and dedicated headsets (hardware), simulation (user content), and integration with existing software. It can be a labor-intensive and time-consuming process to get these components working and ready for regular use by the workforce.

Organizational limitations

Because construction sites are bound by numerous regulations like building quality, fair practices, and environmental protection, it can be challenging for organizations to adopt new technologies like VR while ensuring compliance to those regulations. For example, VR, being a fully immersive technology, can pose safety risks to construction workers, who need to be aware of their surroundings constantly.

The future of augmented reality in construction industry

The future of AR in civil engineering and construction will be shaped by emerging technologies and innovations such as AI-driven AR, more advanced hardware, and improved software solutions. With the scaling of AR capabilities, architects will be able to create highly detailed and interactive 3D models, allowing for virtual walkthroughs and better design assessments.

As the technology matures and becomes more affordable over the next decade, AR is expected to become a standard tool in construction, leading to more efficient, cost-effective, and safer construction practices.

Benefits of AR in construction

With Zoho Lens, the augmented reality construction app, you can enjoy these key benefits:

Enhanced collaboration

By providing a clear, immersive, and interactive view of the construction process, AR enables real-time discussions between stakeholders and remote teams. Clients can visualize the project better, point out design issues, and have experts address them on the spot, reducing the likelihood of miscommunication.

Improved resolution rates

Construction AR benefits the crew by reducing delays and improving their workflow efficiency. They can get remote visual assistance from the maintenance team to resolve inconsistencies in the electrical or plumbing systems without disrupting their other building processes.

Reduced travel time and cost

The true impact of augmented reality in civil engineering lies in transcending geographical distances at a minimal cost. Engineers can supervise multiple construction sites effectively and provide live instructions to the on-site crew from anywhere.

Improved safety

Construction sites are inherently risky environments to work in, considering the machinery involved, the electrical or chemical hazards present, and the nature of the work itself. AR retains the user's field of view while receiving digital instructions, ensuring safer training sessions and working conditions.

Accelerated project delivery

Augmented reality in civil engineering can streamline various construction processes and enhance overall efficiency. It enables clearer team communication, precise quality checks, economical issue resolutions, and swift inspections and approvals, which leads to faster project completion.

How does AR in construction field work?


Get Connected

Managers can start or schedule a remote session with the crew from any device. They can send an invite through SMS or email or send the join link directly.


See what your crew sees

Once the construction personnel joins the session, you can access their camera stream to view the construction process live.


Collaborate through text, voice chat, and AR tools

Managers can use text, voice chat, and AR annotations to analyze any issue in depth and help the crew in solving it.

Experience augmented reality in civil engineering with these key features

Below are just some of the many features in Zoho Lens that can help civil engineers improve their construction processes.

Live camera streaming

Engineers can access any smartphone or smart glass camera and get real-time information through their preferred browser, effectively minimizing travel time.

Highlight 3D objects

Supervisors can draw attention to specific structures and equipment with AR tools and annotations during a remote session.

Multi-participant sessions

Managers can work with different construction teams in a single session to sort things out. External experts can be invited to brainstorm the best solution at a moment's notice.


Managers can minimize learning curves by integrating Zoho Lens with their existing apps. They can seamlessly initiate AR sessions on their devices to streamline workflows.

Sign up now and get augmented reality for your construction projects!