e-way Bills - Other Actions

Sync e-Way Bill Details to Zoho Billing From The EWB Portal

Once youโ€™ve generated e-way bills for your transactions and updated the e-way bill number in Zoho Billing for the respective transactions, you have to sync your e-Way Bill module with the EWB portal to fetch your e-way bills’ validity details or any updates made in the portal regarding the e-way bills. This ensures the data in your organisation is up-to-date. To fetch data from the EWB portal to your organisation:

Cancel e-Way Bills

Sometimes, your shipment might get cancelled, your destination might get modified, or there can be some human errors when creating an e-way bill. In such a situation, you can cancel your existing e-way bill within 24 hours from the time of creation and generate a new one. But if the e-way bill has been verified, then it cannot be cancelled.

To cancel an e-way bill:

Exclude Transactions

When there is no necessity to transport goods from one place to another, an e-way bill is not required though the invoice’s total value might be greater than Rs.50,000. In such cases, you can exclude that transaction from having to generate an e-way bill in Zoho Billing. Here’s how:

Restore Excluded Transactions

Sometimes, you might create invoices for your customers ahead of time, but the goods will be delivered at a later date. So, the transactions for which you wish to deliver the goods later can be excluded. Once youโ€™re ready to transport the goods of the excluded transactions, you can restore those transactions.

Now, all the excluded transactions will be restored as Not Generated, and you can generate an e-way bill for these transactions.

Read this article to learn more about e-way bills.

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