Mark status in Zoho Inventory
Table of Contents
The zoho.inventory.markStatus task is used to change the status field with one of the allowed values in the specified Zoho Inventory module.
<response> = zoho.inventory.markStatus(<module>, <org_id>, <record_id>, <status>, [<connection>]);
Params | Data type | Description |
<response> | KEY-VALUE | The status of the executed task. |
<module> | TEXT | The name of the Zoho Inventory module in which the status field's value will be changed. Allowed Values:
<org_id> | TEXT | The organization ID of the account in which the value of the status field will be changed. Note: Learn how to fetch organization ID from the UI and from the response of zoho.inventory.getOrganization task. |
<record_id> | TEXT | The ID of the record whose status needs to be changed. |
<status> | TEXT | The status value. The following table lists the allowed status values for each module: Module Name - Allowed values
<connection> (optional)* | TEXT | The name of the connection. *Note: This parameter is mandatory in Zoho Cliq. |
The following script sets the status of the specified record to void, in the Zoho Inventory module - SalesOrders.
response = zoho.inventory.markStatus("SalesOrders", "59XXXX43", "528XXXXXXXXXXX043", "void", "inventory_connection");
Response Format
Success Response
The success response will be returned in the following format:
"code": 0,
"message": "The status of the Sales order has been changed to Void.",
"data": {
Failure Response
The failure response returned for incorrect or non-existent organization ID will be returned in the following format:
"code": 6041,
"message": "This user is not associated with the CompanyID/CompanyName: 58XXXX50."
}The failure response returned for incorrect or non-existent record ID will be returned in the following format:
"code": 1002,
"message": "Sales Order does not exist."
}The failure response returned for supplying unallowed status value will be returned in the following format.
"code": 5,
"message": "Invalid URL Passed"