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Update Record

Note: This task is applicable to all Zoho services except Zoho Creator.


This task is used to update values of a particular record using its ID in a Zoho Cliq database.

This task is based on Zoho Cliq API - Update a record


<variable> = zoho.cliq.updateRecord(<database_name>, <record_ID>, <values_map>, <connection>);


ParameterData typeDescription



specifies the variable which will hold the response returned by Zoho Cliq.



specifies the unique name of the database that is to be updated



specifies the ID of the record which will be updated.

Learn how to fetch the record ID after creating or fetching records.



specifies the new values to update the record, with each key representing the unique column name in the database and the new value to be updated.



specifies the link name of the Zoho Cliq connection.


  • In view of stopping new authtoken generation, a Zoho OAuth connection with appropriate scopes is mandatory for new integration tasks (created after the deadline specified in the post) to work as expected. Existing integration tasks will continue to work with or without the connections parameter unless the authtoken is manually deleted from accounts.
  • Add relevant scopes as mentioned in Zoho Cliq API - Update a record
  • Refer to this post for the list of Zoho services that support the connections page.
  • Learn more about connections

Example1: Updating a record with static values

The following script updates the availability to false in the record with ID - 1775XXXX0002XXXX009 of the Zoho Cliq database - availabilitydatabase.

 response_map=zoho.cliq.updateRecord("availabilitydatabase",1775XXXX0002XXXX009,values_map, "cliq_connection");


is the variable which will hold the KEY-VALUE response returned by Zoho Cliq.
is the TEXT that represents the unique name of the database from which the record is updated
is the NUMBER that represents the ID of the record that needs to be updated
is the KEY-VALUE that specifies the new values to update the record
is the TEXT that represents the name of the connection

Example2: Updating a record with dynamic values

Write the below script in the message handler of your Bot configuration to make it update a record of the Zoho Cliq database - availabilitydatabase. The value of the availability field is updated based on the user's response. If the user sends YES to the Bot, the availability field is set to true. Otherwise, it is set with the default value false.

 text = zoho.cliq.updateRecord("availabilitydatabase",1775XXXX0002XXXX423,{"availability":dynamic_value}, "cliq_connection");
 return response;


is the object of TEXT data type that holds the most recent message sent in the Bot
is the BOOLEAN variable that holds the new value to update the record
is the TEXT that represents the unique name of the database whose record needs to be updated
is theTEXTvariable that holds the response text to be sent by the Bot
is the TEXT that represents the name of the connection

Sample Response

Success Response

  • The success response returned is of the following format


Failure Response

  • The failure response returned for an incorrect database name is of the following format

     "message":"Uh-oh! Looks like availabilitydata does not exist.",
  • The failure response returned for an incorrect record ID is of the following format

     "message":"No record found for this id",

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