Features at a glance

Learn what Zoho DataPrep can do for you

Connect to multiple sources

Eliminate data silos in your organization and connect to a variety of data sources including files, feeds, cloud storage, databases, warehouses and business applications.

Files from anywhere Databases and warehouses Tight integration with Zoho Analytics Import from Zoho CRM

    Files from anywhere

    Import files in a variety of formats: CSV, TSV, XLS, XLSX, TXT, XML, HTML, JSON from local storage, FTP servers, URLs, or from cloud drives such as Google Drive, WorkDrive, Box, Dropbox, and OneDrive. Learn more

    Files from anywhere

    Databases and warehouses

    Import data from a variety of databases and data warehouses. Learn more

    Databases and warehouses

    Tight integration with Zoho Analytics

    Connect and cleanse data directly from Zoho Analytics using in-built connectors. Learn more

    Importing data from Zoho Analytics to DataPrep

    Zoho CRM integration

    Connect to your Zoho CRM account and import data, prepare using DataPrep and export back to your CRM account. Learn more

    Zoho CRM connector for Zoho DataPrep

Improve data quality

Never miss out on important data with intelligent suggestions.


    Data quality

    View the valid, invalid, and missing data from each column, using the data quality bar. Filter and cleanse data using intelligent suggestions, and improve the data quality by removing duplicate and invalid data. Learn more


    Smart modelling

    Automatically identify data types, get suggestions for joining datasets , and create custom data types to identify and fix invalid data. Learn more


    Data distribution

    Understand your data better with the help of various widgets such as value distribution histogram, value statistics, text patterns, outliers and more. Learn more

Transform and enrich

Use the interactive data preparation studio to transform data without any coding.

Transform and enrich

    Smart selection

    Highlight the required portion from the data and DataPrep identifies your selection pattern to provide accurate suggestions to extract, count, replace, and split data.Learn supported transforms



    Format and change your data using more than 250 transforms without the need for any coding. Reshape your data using unpivot, pivot, and summary transforms. Learn supported transforms


    Blend data

    Blend data from a variety of sources using join and append transforms. Learn more

AI Capabilities

Unleash the power of generative AI


    Transform by example

    Arrive at data transformations for datasets simply by providing examples of the output. Use the feature powered by OpenAI to simplify data wrangling.


    Chat Formula Builder

    Create data transformation formulas by narrating the logic in natural language in a chat window.


    AI-based enrichment

    Enrich data with AI-powered transforms, such as sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, language detection, and more.


    External Dataset Finder

    Generate synthetic datasets based powered by OpenAI and blend it to your datasets as required. Generate sample data by simply asking for it and use it for running experiments.

Transform by example Chat formula external dataset

Automate workflows

Automating mundane tasks is one of the quickest ways to reduce time in preparing data. With Zoho DataPrep, you can always schedule data preparation workflows and receive alerts.

Track and reuse

    End-to-end data pipelines

    Set up end-to-end data pipelines by connecting data from multiple sources, blend and clean data, and sync to various destinations.


    Monitor data quality

    Zoho DataPrep continuously monitors data quality and sends alerts whenever it drops.


    Track and reuse

    Use rulesets to track the changes made to your data, and reuse rulesets across datasets. Learn more

Catalog data

Built-in data management capabilities help you classify, catalog, and govern data.


    Discover data easily

    Discover data easily using system-wide search capabilities powered by Zia. Learn more

    discover data easily

    Mark as ready

    When the data is prepared and all set, mark it as ready to let your team know the data is available for sharing and exporting.

    Mark as ready

    Data about data

    Add more metadata in your datasets and workspaces using tags, and improve searchability and filtering. Find all relevant details about datasets and workspaces in a single overview pane.

discover data easily Catalog data

Data security

Collaborate securely with teams and provide fine-grained permissions to ensure users can only access the data intended for them.


    Mark sensitive data as PII/ePHI

    Mark and secure sensitive data like PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and ePHI (electronic Protected Health Information) in your datasets. Control access and prevent unauthorized export of such data without masking or encryption.

    How DataPrep helps with HIPAA compliance


    Set access permissions for sharing data

    Share workspaces with users and groups in your organization, and set role-based access controls to share data securely. Learn more


    Data audit

    Get a detailed report of changes made to your data. Track datasets when shared and exported, and verify if security measures were applied to protect personal data before sharing or exporting datasets. Learn more

Privacy & compliance

Zoho DataPrep helps identify personal data in your dataset, ensures privacy by masking or tokenizing sensitive data, and enables you to adhere to privacy policy and data protection regulations like the GDPR. All data associated with Zoho DataPrep are always encrypted in-transit and at-rest.Learn more

Connect your data to Zoho Dataprep and get started