Export to multiple destinations

Zoho DataPrep provides you with various options to export data. It supports a wide host of files, urls, databases and business applications. Data sync can also be enabled for scheduling your data cleansing process.

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      • CSV
      • TSV
      • JSON
      • XLS
      • XLSX
      • XML
      • Zoho WorkDrive
      • Zoho CRM
      • Google BigQuery
      • Zoho Analytics
      • Amazon Redshift
      • Zoho Creator
      • Snowflake
      • Amazon RDS
      • Amazon Athena
      • Microsoft Azure
      • Google Cloud SQL
      • Oracle Cloud
      • IBM Cloud
      • Heroku PostgresSQL
      • Rackspace Cloud
      • Panoply
      • Google Drive
      • One Drive
      • Dropbox
      • Box
      • Amazon S3