Export Logs

You can export the email logs associated with a specific Mail Agent or all Mail Agents using the Export Logs option. The last 60 days' email logs can be exported. The data will be available as a zip file for 3 days from the date of export completion.

You will be able export three types of data :

  • Data related to your email like bounce, clicks and sender/recipient information.
  • Information related to activities of different users which is listed in activity logs.
  • Data available in suppression list.

Steps to export your email logs

  1. Login to your ZeptoMail account.
  2. Navigate to Export in Settings menu.​ 
  3. In the Email logs tab, click Initiate export.
  4. Choose whether to export the logs for a specific Mail Agent or all Mail Agents.
  5. Choose the date range.
  6. You even have the option to password protect your exported data. Enter your desired password.

  7. You can further choose to export selected logs based on some conditions. Select the criteria based on which you wish to export the files.
  8. You can even add multiple filters to narrow down your search. For example, in the image given below, the user has exported only the emails that are sent to 'harryzen.mail@zylker.com'.
  9. Click Initiate export.
  10. The .zip file can be downloaded from the Dashboard or the Export logs section. It will be available for a period of two days.
  11.  A maximum of 5000 records can be exported at once.​

Steps to export activity logs

You can export the data related to the activities of all the users of your account.

  1. Login to your ZeptoMail account. 
  2. Go to Export in the Settings menu.
  3. In the Activity logs tab, click Initiate export.
  4. Choose the date range.
  5. You even have the option to password protect your exported data. Enter your desired password.
  6. Select the email address whose activity you wish to export.
  7. Choose the criteria based on which you wish to export the files. Click Initiate export.
  8. A .zip file will be available for download in Dashboard as well as the Export logs section. It will be available for a period of two days.
  9. A maximum of 5000 records can be exported at once.

Steps to export suppression list

  1. Login to your ZeptoMail account. 
  2. Go to Export in the Settings menu.
  3. In the Suppression list tab, click Initiate export.
  4. Choose the date range.
  5. You even have the option to password protect your exported data. Enter your desired password.
  6. Choose the type of suppression based on which you wish to export the emails. Click Initiate export.
  7. A .zip file will be available for download in Dashboard as well as the Export logs section. It will be available for a period of two days.
  8. A maximum of 5000 records can be exported at once.