Return-to-Work Assessment Template

  • Last Updated : August 12, 2024
  • 4 Min Read

How can surveys help while returning to work during a pandemic?

One way to get a good understanding of your employee’s opinion is by using a Return-to-Work Assessment Survey template. These surveys can give quick insights into how employees are doing in their present work-from-home situations.

You can also dive into the survey data and segregate it by teams or other factors such as employee age, work location, and more to target different actions. Our survey helps leadership and Human Resources teams quickly understand any concerns an employee may have, as well as what would make them comfortable returning to office.

Let's take a closer look:

Optimized for all devices

You can use this survey as a check-in on how your employees are doing or choose to create a more strategic return plan for them to get back to your office. Feel free to edit the questions and answers according to your company’s situation and employee reassessment needs. We also have many templates tuned specifically to surveying in times of COVID-19, and also other COVID-19 help resources.

When deciding if you feel a topic would be appropriate or not for you to raise with your employees, ask yourself these three things:

1. Will employee feedback affect our decision on this topic?

If the input from your employee will not change how you will handle a given topic, do not include it in the survey.

2. Can we respond and take action on the survey results?

Always remember to limit your survey questions to things your team can reasonably respond to or consider.

3. Will we able to follow up with employees about specific concerns?

Try avoiding questions about individual employees in a company-wide survey. These questions are likely better addressed as one-on-one conversations between the employee and manager.

Our template above encompasses the main concerns of an employee and was designed to fetch data that would tell you what exactly they have going in their mind about the return-to-work situation.

Now the next important question you may be facing is…

How comfortable are people to come back to work?

Identify issues

Identify action to be taken

Communicate your actions

As long as you keep these factors in mind, you’ll be successful in capturing a high-level overview of your employees’ sentiments regarding when to return to the workplace.

The most important factor here is these surveys not only keep your employees engaged, but they also show that you care a lot and value what they honestly feel and that they in turn feel they are included in every part of organizational decisions.

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