Zoho Payments - ACH Payment Terms

Zoho has partnered with Processor to provide you with a facility to collect payments from your customers through Automated Clearing House network ("ACH Service").

Your use of ACH Service is subject to Zoho Payments - ACH Terms ("ACH Terms"), Processor's ACH Terms and Zoho Payments Terms.

Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in these ACH Terms shall have the meaning given to them in the Zoho Payment Terms or in the operating rules and guidelines issued by National Automated Clearing House Association ("NACHA Rules").

Authorizations for ACH Entries

It shall be your responsibility to obtain necessary authorizations from your customers to debit their bank accounts for ACH payments in the form and manner prescribed under NACHA Rules and any other applicable laws ("ACH Authorization"). Zoho shall not be liable for any return, reversal or rejection of ACH Entries arising as a result of your failure to obtain ACH Authorization in the prescribed form

You shall retain the original or a copy of each written ACH Authorization, or a readily and accurately reproducible record evidencing any other forms of ACH Authorization for a period specified under NACHA Rules.

Representation and Warranties

You represent and warrant to Zoho that (i) your use of ACH Service will be in accordance with applicable laws and NACHA Rules; and (ii) the information you provide to Zoho about each ACH transaction is accurate and complete;

Transaction Limits

You understand that Zoho may set daily and per-transaction limits on your ACH transactions. We reserve the right to periodically adjust these limits based on factors such as your transaction history, any changes in NACHA Rules and regulatory requirements. Any ACH transaction initiated by you that exceeds these prescribed limits may be declined.

ACH Returns

You understand that your customers may initiate a request for return of any ACH Entry for reasons permitted under NACHA Rules, such as unauthorized debit or revocation of ACH Authorization. If a return request is initiated, Zoho will recover the amount specified in the return request by debiting your Payment Processing Account or through any other means specified in Zoho Payments Terms.

Access and Audit Rights

You shall (i) promptly upon Zoho's request, furnish information and records as may be requested by Zoho to verify your compliance with the ACH Terms; and (ii) permit Zoho, upon providing reasonable notice, to access and inspect your premises, information, and other records maintained in connection with this Agreement as may be necessary to determine your compliance with the terms of this Agreement.


You shall indemnify, defend and hold Zoho, its employees, officers, directors and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities or expense arising out of your use of ACH Service.

Suspension and Termination

Zoho may withhold settlement of funds, suspend or terminate the Services in the event (i) you violate ACH Terms; (ii) Processor instructs us to suspend or terminate your Payment Processing Account; (iii) ACH returns for your Entries exceed the limit acceptable to Zoho; (iv) Your failure to pay the amounts you owe to Zoho under these ACH Terms.