Introducing Webinars in Zoho Meeting

Your product is more than just a few lines in an ad. There’s always a lot more to say, answer, and convey. That’s why we’ve built a webinar tool that serves you to communicate and interact with your leads. Zoho Meeting lets you schedule and broadcast engaging online webinars.

Engage your leads with amazing webinars.

  • Embed your registration link and bring in leads.

Scheduling your webinar is easy, but reaching out to people who are interested requires thought and effort. Provide ample registration options for your leads. Apart from sharing your webinar registration link in posts and emails, embed the link on your website and blogs that get the most traffic. This will help you attract more registrations for your webinar.

  • Join from a browser, no downloads required.

It’s important to make first impressions the best ones. Make sure your attendees can join your webinar with ease. Requiring them to download apps and installations during the process can be discouraging and annoying. In Zoho Meeting, attendees can join your session straight from their browser, in a single click. If attendees find it difficult to join your webinar, chances are that they’ll drop it halfway through and never come back.

  • Share more than just a presentation.

Not everything can be squeezed into your presentation while you host a webinar. What if you want to move away from your webinar presentation and give attendees a tour through your new app? You might want to show them an infographic, a web page, or give a live demo. Broaden the scope of your webinar by sharing multiple screens and applications with your attendees. Switch between sharing documents, presentations, and more.

  • Record and share your webinar.

Let your webinar work wonders even after it’s over. Record your webinar and repurpose it in different ways. Share the cloud-based recording link with registrants who could not attend it live. Upload the recording to YouTube for anyone to watch. Watch recordings from your browser at any time, or download them to your computer. Manage all your recordings under My Recordings in your Zoho Meeting account.

  • Engage your audience with polls and Q&A.

The effectiveness of a webinar depends on the audience’s involvement in it. Make your session interactive by letting attendees participate in polls and voice queries.

    • Polls – Details like your attendees’ expectation of a product or service, their preferences, or the user experience that they look for, are vital to the growth of your product, conversion rates, and customer retention. Create and conduct polls to understand your attendees’ interests and needs.
    • Q&A – Question and answer sessions complete a webinar. Enhance attendees’ knowledge about your business by answering their questions on the spot. You can provide answers privately (to only the attendee who raised the question) or answer to everyone.
  • Hear out attendees.

Sometimes it’s hard for attendees to elaborate on questions in the Q&A tab. It can be a lot easier if they can communicate with you by making an illustration on their screen, which you can then see. Attendees can ask questions and make suggestions by sharing their screens with everyone. If an attendee seeks to share their screen, you can simply click the ‘Make Presenter’ option next to that attendee’s name on your left pane, while you’re in the webinar window. This will give you more ways to understand and solve attendees’ concerns.

  • View analytics and export reports.

Evaluate your webinar in terms of attendee numbers, engagement time, poll participation, and number of questions asked and answered. Analytical reports help you understand the success rate of your webinar. You can also download reports in CSV and XLS formats.

Export reports in CSV and XLS formats.


Attendee Report – A consolidated report containing registrants names, email addresses, registration time, participation status, the time at which they joined the webinar, the duration for which they stayed in the webinar, and the country from which they joined.

 Performance Report – Gives you the number of registrants, attendees, polls, and the number of questions asked.

 Registration Report – Contains registrants’ names, email addresses, and time of registration.

 Polls Report – Provides the number of polls conducted during the webinar, poll questions, and the number of votes for each option.

 Q&A Report – Contains questions raised by attendees during the webinar, along with the answers you provided.

Go ahead and try out Zoho Meeting for your next webinar. You can also download our desktop app or add our Chrome extension to host webinars.


10 Replies to Introducing Webinars in Zoho Meeting

  1. Hi, I'd like to know whether it's possible to broadcast the webinar on Facebook and YouTube? Does ZM support this? Thanks.

    1. Hello Vasant, Currently, webinars are not supported in iOS and Android. However, we are working on the same and will let you know when it's ready. Thank you for writing to us.

    1. Hello Bram, You can do a one-time download of our desktop plugin to use Zoho Meeting in Safari. Safari currently supports only video and audio conferencing using WebRTC. Screen sharing isn't supported yet. We’re waiting for this functionality in Safari so that we can start supporting the same. We'll keep you posted about this.

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