I’m not able to view the discount provided for the transaction in the transaction’s PDF. What should I do?
To display the discount field in a transaction PDF, you have to choose the discount preference of your organization. Here’s how:
- Go to Settings in the top right corner.
- Click General under Preferences.
- Scroll down to the Do you give discounts? section and:
- Select At line item level if you want to provide discounts to each line item in the transaction.
- Select At transaction level if you want to provide a discount for the entire transaction.
Now, you have to enable the Discount option in the template to view the discount field in the transaction’s PDF. Here’s how:
- Go to Settings in the top right corner.
- Select PDF Templates under Customization.
- Select the module for which you want to enable the discount option in the Templates pane.
- Hover over the template for which you want to display the discount and click Edit.
- On the Edit Template page:
- Go to Table on the left sidebar and check the Discount option if the discount preference of your organization is At line item level. The discount field will be added as a column in the item table.
- Go to Total on the left sidebar and check the Discount option if the discount preference of your organization is At transaction level. Discount will be added as a field in the total section.
- Click Save.
The transaction’s PDF will now display the discount field based on your organization’s discount preference.