If you want to sync a few selective accounts/contacts from Zoho CRM into Zoho Books, you can create a new View in Zoho CRM before the integration. This view can consist of the records you wish to sync into Zoho Books for creating transactions.
Here’s how:
- Log in to your Zoho CRM account.
- Click Setup (the Gear icon) in the top-right corner.
- Under Customization, click Modules and Fields.
- Select the module you want to sync (Contacts and/or Accounts) and click Standard under the Layout tab .
- From the New Fields section on the left side bar, drag the Checkbox field and drop it on your module.
- Provide label for the checkbox type custom field as Zoho Books.
- Now, when you edit an existing account/contact or create a new one, a checkbox custom field named Zoho Books will be displayed.
- Edit the accounts/contacts which you want to move to Zoho Books, and check the box Zoho Books.
Once this is done:
- Create a new view under Accounts or Contacts modules depending on which of these modules you’ve selected for sync.
- Specify the criteria as Zoho Books is Selected.
- Now, all the accounts/contacts for which this field is checked will be available under this view.
Insight: During the integration, once you select the module (Accounts, Contacts, or Both) to sync, a list of the corresponding views available in Zoho CRM for the module (predefined as well as User created) will be listed under the drop-down. Select the view that you created above to proceed with the sync.