Image to sheet, in an instant
Zoho Sheet lets you extract data from printouts using pictures or scanned files, crop the images to exclude the unwanted parts, convert them into spreadsheet data, and insert into your desired cell range, all in a matter of seconds.
Extracted data preview
Get a preview of the scanned data before inserting it into your sheet. Edit values, append them or remove those not necessary while previewing the data.
Smart data detection
Zoho Sheet recognizes the number formats (such as dates) in your receipts or bills, and reflects the same inside the sheet with contextual options for specific formats.
What else can you do?
Scan your receipts and bills to keep track of your expenses, consolidate them monthly, work on them with your team, or even visualize them using vibrant charts. You can also export these spreadsheets as Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx), .pdf, .csv, or .tsv files.