• What is a test automation framework?
  • Why is a test automation framework required?
  • What are the different types of test automation frameworks?
  • Quick summary

Here's what we'll be covering in this handbook:

What is a test automation framework?

All QA professionals seek a successful outcome for their testing projects. Implementing a test automation framework paves the way to project success. The test automation framework is a conceptual set of practices about object repositories, function libraries/grouping product functionalities, handling test data, coding methodologies, capturing test results, and the various tools used to achieve an efficient testing practice.

Why is a test automation framework required?

An application handling complex business processes will have multiple functionalities that need testing. Sometimes, different teams develop and test these functionalities. Without a uniform testing framework, each team will have its own processes/methods, rendering the testing process inconsistent. Implementing a test automation framework ensures:


Effective test case management

Testing processes can unravel without proper management and maintenance of test cases and test scripts. Test automation frameworks provide modularity and abstraction of functions, keep test data separate from test scripts, and more.


Reusable test components

Test automation frameworks help save time and improve efficiency, as common functionalities can be grouped as modules and reused across applications. The reusability of test scripts and test functions also helps minimize manual errors.


Seamless integration

With CI/CD tools, code changes can be tested more frequently and deployed in various environments. Project management tools also help in detailed reporting and error-tracking.



With the increased complexity of use cases and feature requirements, test cases also require scalability. Test automation frameworks consider parallel test execution, allowing for better coverage of test scenarios and shorter test execution times.

What are the different types of test automation frameworks?

Record-and-playback framework

Utilizing this framework requires minimal coding expertise and is considered a boon for novice testers. The record-and-playback framework is also called a linear automation framework. Linear automation frameworks, though easy and quick to execute, don't allow for adding test data into test cases, as these will be hardcoded per user interaction. Hence, any new changes will make maintenance of these test cases difficult. QA testers usually use this framework for standalone test cases or test cases where hard-coded test data won't affect the application.


  • Easy to use and execute
  • Can be used in test cases with hard-coded data


  • Cannot reuse test cases, as test data is hardcoded
  • Making new changes is a hassle

Data-driven framework

Every test case scenario needs test case data to simulate the data a user might enter when interacting with the application/software. The sample test case data is usually held as external files, such as spreadsheets and database repositories. When the test case script is executed, the data from these external files is utilized to mimic real-life user interactions. Unlike the record-and-playback framework, the data is not hardcoded, allowing multiple test case scenarios with various test data to be checked for errors.


  • Can be reused in multiple test cases
  • Test data is taken from external sources, hence eliminating hard coding


  • Test data from external sources should be mapped to appropriate test cases
  • Proper planning and execution needed for the setup of external sources

Modular testing framework

A comprehensive web application will have multiple functionalities and different development teams working on other functionalities, depending on the complexity involved. Modular testing frameworks are a process where test cases are grouped or collated into modules to be run. All the modules, based on their order of execution, cohesively help the application to function in its entirety. Having separate modules allows for changes to be made independently without affecting the overall application. Though this allows for better maintenance and scalability when adding new features/functionalities, the test data is hardcoded for individual test cases within modules.


  • Application changes are easier due to the "test-and-deploy" nature of individual modules
  • Maintenance is easier


  • Cannot reuse the same test cases, as test data is hardcoded
  • Modules are separated based on test cases to be run

Library architecture testing framework

This is an evolved modular testing framework. Library architecture testing frameworks help group test cases into modules based on feature/functionality. Grouping test scripts based on common functionalities help in reusing the functionalities across multiple test case scenarios. However, like the modular testing framework, the test data is hardcoded.


  • Common functionalities/features are grouped together
  • Maintenance, reusability, and application scalability are easier


  • Cannot reuse the same test cases, as test data is hardcoded
  • Proper planning and execution are needed for grouping similar functionalities

Keyword-driven testing framework

Imagine collating all actions in an application and tabulating them for better understanding. This methodology is a keyword-driven testing framework or a table-driven testing framework. The table contains the keyword that specifies the action to be performed on a graphical user interface (GUI). This action keyword is then mapped to the GUI component by name, creating an object repository. Each action keyword and GUI component is placed row-wise in the table. This table is an external source, outside the automation testing software. Once the table is built, code for component functions is written to execute the actions based on the keyword. When test cases containing the keywords are run, the corresponding component functions (which mapped the actions and GUI component) are executed.


  • Keywords help in reusability across test cases
  • The table containing the keywords is application-independent


  • Proper planning and execution needed for the table-driven testing framework
  • Test automation expertise is a must

Hybrid test automation framework

Agile testing teams utilize frameworks specific to the application complexity and help improve the team's productivity. Most hybrid test automation frameworks utilize both data-driven frameworks and keyword-driven frameworks, assisting manual testers in writing test cases by looking at the table-driven testing framework and using external test case data. However, with the advent of test automation software, hybrid test automation frameworks are a combination of frameworks that best suit the application and testing team's needs.

Quick summary

A test automation framework is a conceptual set of practices, coding methodologies, and the various tools used to achieve an efficient testing practice. Implementing a test automation framework is critical for a successful testing outcome.

Having a test automation framework ensures:

  • Effective test case management
  • Reusable test components
  • Seamless integration
  • Scalability
  • Improved testing efficiency

Common test automation frameworks are:

  • Record-and-playback
  • Data-driven
  • Modular testing
  • Library architecture testing
  • Keyword-driven testing
  • Hybrid test automation

Each of these frameworks has its benefits and drawbacks. However, the onus on selecting the appropriate frameworks is on the testing team handling the project.

The test automation software to run your entire testing lifecycle

Zoho QEngine enables cross-platform management of test cases on the cloud and is equipped with a pro-code editor, low-code builder, no-code recorder, Self-heal AI, analytics dashboards, and more for web testing, mobile testing, and API testing.

start testing free