Capable editors for all your needs

Present your content cleanly and neatly with Office Integrator's various formatting options. Make important text bold, and underline critical terms. From basic formatting to advanced options, Office Integrator's got you covered.

Rich text formatting

Use Office Integrator's various rich text formatting options to make the important areas of your content bold, italic, or underlined. Switch between different font colors and highlight your content clearly using a background color.

Software.It's our Craft

Various design options for your content

Make your points stronger with Office Integrator's various design options. Insert images, charts, and tables to visually represent your ideas and add QR codes for any URL or email address.

Insert a table of contents to give your readers a quick overview of your document and configure break patterns to suggest good spots to pause.

Various design options for your content
Various design options for your content
Various design options for your content

More style options

Highlight special content with the various heading options available in Office Integrator's documents editors. Switch between various fonts to present your content better and increase/decrease font sizes for increased legibility.

Better Customization options

Tailor your content with Office Integrator's customization options. Add bullets and number lists to call attention to important information. Align your paragraphs and increase/decrease indents for a cleaner presentation. Define line spacing, document layout, size and orientation, and more.