Why invest in a workflow management software?

123 Emails*

sent/received by an average worker per day.

6.6 Hours*

spent by workers obtaining signatures and approvals each week.

13.6 Hours*

spent per worker consolidating data from paper forms each month.

Top brands that use our platform

Benefits of workflow management software

Speed up your approval process

Whether it's a procurement request or reimbursement claim, you can approve or reject with just a few clicks.

Get routines off your desk

Pick a task, schedule a time, and let your routines run automatically.

Stay in the know

Never miss out on anything important again. Get notified via email, text messages(SMS), or push notifications about orders, payments, and other transactions.

Keep your data in sync

Integrate with other Zoho apps and third-party services like QuickBooks, Zapier, and PayPal to manage all your processes in one place, keeping things simple.

Manage workflows from your pocket

Monitor workflows and complete important tasks from anywhere using your Android or iOS devices.

Four steps to manage your workflows better

Step: 01

Design low-code workflows

No matter how complex your business logic is, we make it easy to convert it into an automated workflow. Just drag and drop the tasks you need, then format them to build your workflow.

Step: 02

Execute workflows with less effort

Take control of your processes with multi-level approvals. Handle multiple requests and track progress from your phone or desktop. Initiate actions or revert back for clarifications at the click of a button.

Step: 03

Manage everything — data, people, and processes

Group your users into roles and ensure they have access to the right data so that work flows smoothly and your data stays safe.

Step: 04

Optimize for better outcomes

Create custom charts and reports, making it easy to track individual processes and KPIs. You can even bring all your reports together on a dashboard and eliminate the need to sift through countless reports.

Clint Baller, Avid Payment Solutions

"Creator automated a ton of what we do and made our lives a lot simpler."

Richard Davis, Tek Textile

"What Zoho Creator has done for us is made us more organized, and freed up our time."

Francisco Moreno, Grouptravel

"Our life and the way we worked changed 100 percent. Now, we work much faster, we save money, and we have improved our workflow."

Diego Cutigola, Estudio Cutignola

"The first application we made took us 20 minutes. You don't need to know programming. If you follow the guides and tutorials, you can start building an app in minutes."

Say goodbye to boring routines with Zoho Creator's workflow management software

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