How do I fix the cost for a user in Zoho Books?
You’ll have to enable the option to associate cost for the user. To enable it,
- Go to Settings and select Preferences.
- Choose Timesheet.
- Scroll down and enable the option Track costs for time entries.
- Save the preference.
To set the cost per hour for a user:
- Go to Settings at the top right corner of the page.
- Select Users under Users and Roles.
If you want to set the cost per hour for a new user:
- Click Invite User on the top right corner of the page.
- Enter the name and the email address of the users of you want invite to your organisation in the Name and Email Address fields.
- Select the dropdown below the Role field and select a role for the user.
- Enter the cost in the Cost Per Hour field.
- Click Send.
If you want to set the cost per hour for an existing user:
- Select the user for whom you want to set the cost per hour.
- Click Edit at the top of the user’s Details page.
- Enter the cost in the Cost Per Hour field.
- Click Save.
This cost of the user will be applied to the new projects you create. For existing projects, you have to edit and update the cost per hour manually.