Sites + Bookings A match made in Zoho

Set up your services and working hours.

Customize your booking page to suit your brand.

Embed your page. Or link your domain.

Made for the work-from-home era

COVID-19 and social distancing have only proven what we knew already—the world is ready to work online. With Zoho's integrated toolkit, you can work from home without a hiccup.

booking page

Embed your booking page on your website.

booking page

Let customers book appointments from your website.

booking page

Meet online on a video call.

Email and text reminders

Set up instant and periodic email and SMS alerts for your customers to reduce no-shows.

Online meetings

Every time someone schedules an appointment with you, they'll automatically get a link to the meeting sent to their email.


Your entire website, including your booking page, will be accessible on smaller screens so customers can schedule appointments at any time.

Calendar sync

Connect with multiple Google or Zoho Calendars to ensure you never get double bookings. Every appointment will be automatically added to your calendars.

CRM integration

If you’re already using Zoho CRM, new customers will be added into your database and existing ones updated.

Start collect bookings from your website today

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