What is the expected payment date reminder?
The expected payment date reminder reminds you when an invoice or a bill is approaching its payment date or is past its payment date.
To enable the expected payment date reminder:
- Go to Settings in the top right corner of the page.
- Click Reminders under Reminders & Notifications
- Choose the Invoices tab.
- Head to the Automated Reminders section.
- Slide the toggle next to the Payment Expected reminder. A pop-up will be displayed.
- Mention the duration and include the recipients of the reminder.
- Check the box near Enable this Reminder and hit Save.
Once you’ve configured:
- Go to the Sales module on the left sidebar and select Invoices, or go to the Purchases on the left sidebar and click Bills.
- Select the required invoice or bill.
- For invoices, click the Reminders button and select Expected Payment Date from the dropdown. For bills, click the More icon and select Expected Payment Date from the dropdown.
- Specify the date on which the payment is likely to be made.
- Add a short description about the reminder.
- Check the box near Don’t remind about payment until then to prevent automated reminders from being sent until the payment expected date.
- Click Save.