Introducing Version 6.0

AI-powered Self-service
BI and Analytics Platform

Making analytics & insights accessible for all

AI-powered Self-service BI and Analytics Platform

Powerful data management hub


Generative AI-infused analytics

Predictive AI

Data science & machine learning

Collaboration & data storytelling

Powerful data management hub


Generative AI-infused analytics

Predictive AI

Data science & machine learning

Collaboration & data storytelling

Powerful data management hub

Visual Data Pipelines

Visually build end-to-end data pipelines to streamline your data flow. Prepare high quality data with inbuilt functions or plug in custom transforms in Python for your needs.

Visual data prep pipeline

Metrics layer

Create & manage all business metrics in a single place, ensuring consistency, reliability, reusability, and access control. Metrics can be used to create reports & dashboards or consumed independently through an API.

Metrics layer

Stream analytics

Connect and analyze streaming data for real-time insights. Process streams from Google Pub/Sub, Kafka, PubNub, APIs, and more

Streaming analytics

New integrations

We're introducing 25+ new connectors for enterprise business apps and big data platforms, including Netsuite,, Dynamics Business Central, Zoho Marketing Automation, Amazon Seller Central, Databricks, Airtable, Dremio, ClickHouse, and more


Data bucketing

‌Categorize or group data points easily with the 'Bucket Columns' options in Zoho Analytics to make data analysis easier.

Real-time synchronization for Zoho CRM


New visual components

Zoho Analytics supports 7+ new chart types, in addition to our 50+ existing charts. These include treemap, sankey, racing chart, sunburst, conversion bar, profit & loss report, and more.

Visual components

Map layering

Enhance the richness of your geo maps by adding multiple data layers to visualize different dimensions of data. Layered geo maps also support immersive interactions for enhanced data exploration.

Map layering

Powerful dashboard builder

We have upgraded the dashboard builder with a new layout and features like moving report views between tabs, adding images to widgets, global user filters, and new themes with images, gradients, and more.

Powerful dashboard builder

Generative AI-infused analytics

Decision intelligence with diagnostic analytics

Make smarter decisions with diagnostic analytics by understanding the 'why' behind any insight. Zia Insights provides contextual intelligence with detailed diagnostics.

Decision intelligence

Enhanced Ask Zia

Seamlessly converse with the Ask Zia bot directly within Microsoft Teams. Ask Zia is now multilingual, with support for Spanish and French. You can also use the OpenAI-powered SQL query suggester within Ask Zia to build query tables.

Enhanced Ask Zia

Auto analysis

Generate automated metrics, reports, and dashboards from your data using the enhanced auto-analysis engine. You can also customize the output with advanced controls.

Auto analysis

OpenAI integration

Leverage the power of OpenAI's large language models (LLMs) within Ask Zia to build complex queries, construct metrics and formulas, and discover public datasets.

OpenAI integration

Predictive AI

Anomaly detection

Detect anomalies in your data and metrics using a diverse set of ML and statistical models. Receive real-time alerts when anomalies are identified.

Anomaly detection

Cluster analysis

Visualize data grouped into clusters using a variety of ML models (k-mean, k-mode, and k-prototype). Intuitively segment and analyze data groups, for common patterns and affinity.

Cluster analysis

Multivariate forecasting

Our upgraded forecasting engine now accounts for dependent factors to deliver highly accurate and insightful predictions.

Multivariate forecasting

Data science & machine learning


Build custom machine learning models with No-code assistant. Easily train, test, compare, deploy and manage models. Perform feature engineering, parameter tuning, and model analysis as you build models.

Auto ML

Code studio

Develop custom models and data transformations using Python Code Studio. Build them from scratch or import them from other sources. Use Zia's code suggester to accelerate development and enhance productivity.

Code Studio

Collaboration & data storytelling

Visual narratives

Zia Insights now generates visual narratives, making it easier to digest information and make informed decisions.

Visual narratives

BI fabric

Create unified BI portals by collating insights from other BI applications, such as Tableau and Power BI. Set up fine-grained access controls on the portal to ensure secure access.

BI fabric

Insights in slideshows

Zia Insights narratives can now be easily integrated into your slideshows, providing contextual enhancements to your data story.

Insights in presentations

Export as PPT

Export multiple views as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Enhance security by protecting the file with a password.

Insights in presentations


Build connectors

Build your own data connector for any application using a no-code connector builder. Publish and sell your custom connectors on Zoho Marketplace, if required.

Client SDK

Introducing a new JavaScript-based client SDK to extend and customize the user experience according to your needs.

Actions framework

Set up workflows to trigger actions contextually from alerts and data pipelines. Use seamless integration with 'Zoho Flow' to configure workflows or invoke URLs/webhooks to trigger actions.

Refurbished Mobile apps

Zoho Analytics' mobile apps have been completely refurbished to offer a highly optimized, native user experience with faster loading times, high-quality visualizations, and immersive interactions.

Other features

RTL Support

Zoho Analytics now supports a right to left user interface that is best suited for languages like Arabic and Hebrew.

Data governance

Administrative capabilities include audit history and sync history for all data connectors and workplace-level IP restrictions.

Zoho Directory integration

Setup single sign-on, Active Directory sync, user access management and more, with Zoho Directory.


Real-time synchronization for Zoho CRM

Instantly synchronize the latest changes from Zoho CRM into Zoho Analytics, providing real-time sales insights.


We continuously upgrade our features to empower your analytics journey

Read the detailed release notes

Hear from our customers

"As developers, Zoho Analytics 6.0's new AutoML capabilities caught our attention immediately. Zia Insights' diagnostic capabilities have been a game-changer as well. Ask Zia is another useful feature. The new chart types are amazing, and I'm particularly impressed with the racing and sunburst charts. Again, as solutions providers, it's critical we understand what's working before helping other businesses and professionals. Zoho Analytics 6.0 continues to give us that insight and more."
Alun Rafique

Alun Rafique

CEO and Co-Founder, Market Dojo

"In the latest version 6.0, we first love the fresh look of the updated UI. We like the global filter; Unified metrics have been really useful to us to quickly find our formulas across multiple data tables and reports. Data bucketing helps us to easily filter data without needing to code. We also like the export PPT function. We are able to create presentations more quickly."
Tom Vogler

Tom Vogler

Head of Service and Support, IMT Matcher

View more customer quotes

Analyst quotes on new launch

“Zoho's comprehensive approach to analytics and data management positions Zoho Analytics as a valuable tool for businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of the modern data landscape. The latest upgrade adds yet more features, particularly augmented analytics and data science capabilities, to bring more value to an already competitive platform.”

Doug Henschen

Constellation Research, VP and Principal Analyst

“The latest version of Zoho Analytics takes a major evolutionary leap, and makes AI-infused business intelligence results available to all. Under the hood, Zoho has tackled complex technical challenges to enable 'citizen data scientists’ to automate building machine learning models and extract actionable insights from natural-language queries all in a self-service platform.”

Derek Top

Opus Research, Principal Analyst

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